Campus K International School, Chennai

Campus K is a private school in Chennai, India, serving preschool through grade 5. They follow a child-centered model providing an immersive on-campus experience that encourages innovation through project-based learning and an engaging thematic structure. The leadership team desired to design a learning environment that reflected their values and encouraged creativity and innovative thinking. Civom’s range of functional and interchangeable learning tools are designed in a way that supports educators and students in the ways they teach and learn best, easily adapting to the varied needs of 21st-century teaching and learning approach and aims.

“Designs shapes our opinions,
behaviours and relations.”

Nurturing Creativity, Cultivating Innovators

Campus K is a private school in Chennai, India, serving preschool through grade 5. They follow a child-centered model providing an immersive on-campus experience that encourages innovation through project-based learning and an engaging thematic structure. The leadership team desired to design a learning environment that reflected their values and encouraged creativity and innovative thinking.

Igniting Minds, Inspiring Futures

At Campus K Chennai, our goal was to create a transformative learning environment that acts as a third, “silent” educator. Through strategic design and innovative elements, we fostered bonding, learning, and self-discovery. The school now embodies excellence and innovation, with flexible spaces that stimulate curiosity and encourage collaboration among students.

Innovate. Educate. Transform

Through our cutting-edge educational practices and immersive activities, we actively nurture curiosity, creativity, and forward thinking. By providing dynamic furnishings that facilitate experiential learning opportunities, we empower students to embrace challenges, think critically, and excel in an ever-evolving world. Our commitment to cultivating innovative thinkers aligns with Campus K Chennai’s vision, as we work together to equip every child with the necessary tools and mindset to shape a confident and resilient future.


The project acts as a vehicle for change, enabling the school and design team to test settings and spaces which are designed for purposeful and differentiated learning. The project acts as a vehicle for change, enabling the school and design team to test settings and spaces which are designed for purposeful and differentiated learning.

Project Based Learning

The project acts as a vehicle for change, enabling the school and design team to test settings and spaces which are designed for purposeful and differentiated learning. The project acts as a vehicle for change, enabling the school and design team to test settings and spaces which are designed for purposeful and differentiated learning.

Fit to Need

The project acts as a vehicle for change, enabling the school and design team to test settings and spaces which are designed for purposeful and differentiated learning. The project acts as a vehicle for change, enabling the school and design team to test settings and spaces which are designed for purposeful and differentiated learning.

Adaptive Learning Spaces

Little change in seating brings an enormous change in learning


EnC Chair Four Legs

Isoceles table

Media Cart

Tube Ottoman

Pebble Laptop Table

Link Table